Mankombu or Moncombu is a village in the district of Alappuzha in the state of Kerala, India. Monkombu, part of the Kuttanad delta region popularly mentioned as 'Rice bowl of Kerala'; is one of the major paddy cultivation regions of the state. Its unique geography embodied by Vembanad lake, inter-linked Pambaa, Manimala and Achenkovil riveā¦Mankombu or Moncombu is a village in the district of Alappuzha in the state of Kerala, India. Monkombu, part of the Kuttanad delta region popularly mentioned as 'Rice bowl of Kerala'; is one of the major paddy cultivation regions of the state. Its unique geography embodied by Vembanad lake, inter-linked Pambaa, Manimala and Achenkovil river systems, gives rise to islands, back waters, network of waterways and canals, below sea-level paddy fields and marsh. The farmers here have met the challenges of below sea-level cultivation over two centuries. Annual festivals, auspicious rites and religious events at Mankombu Bhagavathi Devi temple, St.Pius church and Pope John Paul Church are occasions for social communion, rejoicing and celebration. Once a prosperous hamlet of hundreds of households, Mankombu today is ravaged by climate change, pollution and dwindling population.