The Angels, Rangers and Astros New Era Overlap line of hats that feature a mashup of the teams' logos have been pulled ...
Among the hats no longer for sale on the site include a Texas Rangers, Houston Astros and Los Angeles Angels New Era Overlap ...
The internet had some fun with the freshly released New Era 'Overlap' hat collection Monday. The concept behind the ...
Fifty accidentally created another inappropriate look with its overlap series spelling a Spanish vulgarity on the Rangers' caps ...
It's gotten to the point where MLB is pulling several Overlap hats from the team stores. Earlier this week, MLB pulled the ...
Two more hats from New Era's MLB Overlap line have also been pulled from circulation following the initial removal of a ...
And this is all a little reminiscent of when the Oakland Athletics accidentally released a hat that had the word “Ass” ...
An Angels cap sits on top of a glove in the dugout during a game. A different design of the team's hat was one of three pulled by MLB from New Era's Overlap 59FIFTY line for appearing to some as ...