For the first time in decades, America has a chance to define its next political order. Trump offers fear, retribution, and ...
From the new documentary 'American Leviathan,' a project from American Majority & Iron Light. Watch the entire documentary ...
The progressive movement of the ... and few political figures exceeded the enthusiasm of William Jennings Bryan for the Spanish war.” The Spanish-American War lasted a mere three months.
During the first Trump era, the resistance engaged in soaring rhetoric about unity — then fell apart. Will this time be ...
After traveling to Germany, he eagerly embraced Historismus, a new, critical way of thinking about history ... politics. This divisive issue would lead to the fracturing of the American Anti ...
Rodgers, “In Search of Progressivism,” Reviews in American History 10 (December 1982): 113–32. 9. Michael McGerr, A Fierce Discontent: The Rise and Fall of the Progressive Movement in America (New ...
"helped galvanize a vigorous free speech movement that, in the course of time, led to the founding of the American Civil Liberties Union." Its founder, Roger Baldwin, always credited Goldman with ...
At its height, the political crackdown felt terrifying and all-encompassing. What can we learn from how the movement unfolded ...
Walter Lippmann was at one time the most influential American writer on politics and world affairs. His writing career spanned the time period from the Progressive Era to the middle of the Cold War.
Big money is striking back against "the Squad," but preparedness and a local focus are still within a candidate’s control.