Fast-forward to the Dragon Ball Super series, Android 17 is now living a peaceful life as the Park Ranger for the Royal ...
B etween giving Cell a Senzu Bean and letting Dr. Gero build Androids 16, 17, 18 & 19 over the course of three years, Goku ...
Dragon Ball Z, while iconic, has pacing issues due to ... of Cell and how he strives to reach his perfect being by absorbing Android 17 and 18. It's a wildly entertaining arc, and it's befitting ...
Dragon Ball Z: Tenkaichi Tag Team is a well-known PlayStation Portable (PSP) fighting game based on Dragon Ball Z anime series. The game was first released for the Japan region on September 30 th ...
Instead of perfectly capturing the series’ essence, this game crams Dragon Ball into a Street Fighter-shaped box. And somehow it rules? They gave Android ... of Dragon Ball Z, and it has some ...