BOAR’S HEAD OLIVE LOAF DELI 22604500000 Various ... Various Purchased Between June 27 and July 29 BOAR’S HEAD PICKLE & PEPPER LOAF 22635100000 Various Purchased Between June 27 and July ...
Government food safety inspectors reported 69 "noncompliances" with federal safety standards at a Boar's Head deli meat plant in Jarratt, Virginia, in the year before it was identified as the ...
Newly released reports from Boar's Head plants in New Castle, Indiana; Forrest City, Arkansas; and Petersburg, Virginia, described multiple instances of meat and fat residue left on equipment and ...
But, recently, a radio advertisement for Boar's Head meats demanded my attention. It was about an old flimflam and a unique way that Boar's Head is trying to battle a longstanding problem. After ...
SAN DIEGO — A class-action lawsuit against Boar's Head Provisions Co., Inc. alleges the company knowingly misrepresented the quality and cleanliness of its products. Initially filed in San Diego ...