Was the cause of Confederate defeat external ... been those who emphasized internal factors in explaining why the Confederacy lost. Immediately after the war, many influential Confederates ...
But statues? Not so much. How exactly did the Left romanticize the Lost Cause Confederacy, and by extension its secession and efforts to preserve slavery? To use a shopworn phrase, “It’s ...
there was a rise of neo-Confederate hate groups who preached the “Lost Cause” ideology. To this day, these groups continue to plague the United States. The failure to invalidate the Lost Cause ...
A list of recommended reading on The Lost Cause is courtesy of the Atlanta History Center. David W. Blight, Race and Reunion: The Civil War in American Memory (Cambridge: Belknap Press of Harvard ...
Why it matters: As Juneteenth gains popularity as a national holiday, most Americans still support keeping alive the "Lost Cause" myth, which arose after the Civil War and romanticizes the ...
And as New York Times columnist Charles Blow has accurately suggested, there is a strong aroma of the neo-Confederate “Lost Cause” now emanating from the MAGA movement: The Pulitzer Prize ...
Critics say the statues perpetuate the "Lost Cause" mythology that romanticizes slavery and promotes the honor of the Confederate cause. Taking down those memorials is seen as one way of ...
in school—our high school mascot was a Confederate soldier—and all the way down Richmond’s storied Monument Avenue. In Faith, Race, and the Lost Cause, Christopher Alan Graham breaks down the enduring ...
A historian raises concerns as the NC History Center on the Civil War, Emancipation & Reconstruction in Fayetteville moves ...
In his authoritative history, Statesmen Of The Lost Cause, author Burton J. Henrick chronicles the “valiant but ultimately doomed” efforts of Confederate States of America president Jefferson ...
A list of recommended reading on The Lost Cause is courtesy of the Atlanta History Center. David W. Blight, Race and Reunion: The Civil War in American Memory (Cambridge: Belknap Press of Harvard ...