As they paraded by him for the first time in March of 1864, soldiers of the Army of the Potomac knew the general in full dress blues, accented with sash and sword, was the freshly minted commander of ...
Grant rose from comparative obscurity to become general in chief of the Union army ... are considered among the best of any written about the Civil War.
NEWS Today” had Civil War reenactors live in studio to talk about their hobby and the upcoming Civil War Symposium happening ...
Grant, author Ron Chernow drops an interesting, if relatively unimportant, local tidbit about the Civil War hero and 18th president ... Boston rocker in which General Grant smoked his last cigar.’ ...
Attempting to be apolitical, Grant campaigned on the complacency-signaling slogan “Let us have peace.” Challenges: As for all post-Civil War presidents, the dominant issues in governance at the time ...
Christopher George uncovered a late 19th-century Civil War presentation sword in the attic of his historic family home, ...
Grant's election to the presidency ... who had been a Confederate general during the Civil War. White Southerners from all classes of society joined the Klan's ranks. In the name of preserving ...
portrayed then-Major General Grant after the Uni… Historians discussed President Lincoln’s views on race and slavery. This was part of the Gettysburg College Civil War In… Civil War Round ...
As historians of the period after the Civil War, we know that for Johnson and Grant ... But after his reelection, Grant appointed a new attorney general, who dropped the pending klan cases. Grant also ...
This nearly 10-acre site is dedicated to the U.S. Civil War general and two-term U.S. president, Ulysses S. Grant, who lived here with his wife, family and enslaved workers in the 1850s.