Although not all of us have an extra room available for a dedicated library, it's relatively easy to find a spot against a wall for one of IKEA's highly rated bookcases. With products named rather ...
To test this 5-minutes-or-less assembly claim, we bought three IKEA REGISSÖR bookcases and got Business Insider reporter Pam Engel, executive editor Joe Weisenthal, and CEO Henry Blodget to each ...
If you want an elegant solution to the problem, consider getting yourself an IKEA Billy bookshelf, says [wavlew]. The Billy makes a remarkably elegant 3D printing workstation, overall. It’s got ...
Using a few IKEA Billy bookcases she bought off Craigslist, Nozawa created a faux built-in library for a total of $220, or one-fifth of what she would have spent if she wanted a real one.