Being accepted for a poster session at a conference means you must first create the poster itself, then prepare to interact with visitors during the session. At some conferences, you may also have ...
In post meeting surveys, attendees frequently mention networking as a major strength of the conference, and multiple parallel oral sessions as a major weakness. We encourage ecologists at all career ...
Latebreaking poster sessions consist of individually submitted abstracts that have been sorted into thematic sessions based on topics ranked by each speaker during abstract submission. Poster sessions ...
Conference brings together leading scientists to share their latest discoveries and offers attendees a unique opportunity to ...
These must be submitted one week before the poster session to ensure that we can get it printed ... Name Department/College Reason for poster: conference, poster, etc. We do not print posters with ...
We designed the Poster Session with the idea of offering an informal place ... first poster at your “home field”, which will make presenting one at your first conference less time consuming, less ...
After many years of walking through poster sessions, Colin Purrington, a professor of evolutionary biology at Swarthmore College, noticed a trend. Usually, as he wandered the aisles looking for ...
Hostos Community College student Marco Álvarez has earned first place in the Eastern Sociological Society (ESS) Undergraduate Poster Session, held in Boston ...