Friday marks five years since Britain left the European Union at 11 p.m. on Jan. 31, 2020. LONDON (AP) — Five years ago ...
Of 73 outside contributors, 38 (52 per cent) were broadly pro-EU and anti-Brexit, 21 (29 per cent) were anti-EU/pro-Brexit and 14 (19 per cent) were neutral. It also claimed that the BBC’s bias ...
“But we would be reckless if we did not challenge a ‘hard Brexit’ — which would be a harsh Brexit.” Pro-European Conservatives want to push to retain strong links to the single market. On the question ...
Neither the Conservative government, which campaigned to stay in the EU, nor pro-Brexit campaigners had planned for the messy details of the split. The U.K. left without agreement on its future ...
The outcome was unforeseen, as neither the Tory government, which had supported remaining in the bloc, nor the pro-Brexit side had anticipated the complicated proceedings that would ensue after ...