Our rabbinical college claimed the mantle of big tent Judaism until most of its student body was prepared to dismantle half ...
A safe haven. That’s what Or Hadash, the oldest Reconstructionist synagogue in the area dating back to 1983, offers its ...
Reform, Conservative and Reconstructionist umbrella bodies have joined a statement spearheaded by the Jewish Council for Public Affairs, a national public policy group, and two Orthodox groups ...
Three major Jewish religious denominations are suing ... including the governing bodies of the Reform, Conservative, and Reconstructionist movements. The other groups represent a range of ...
The Philadelphia-area plaintiffs are Friends General Conference, an association of Quaker organizations, and Reconstructing Judaism, an umbrella organizations for 94 Reconstructionist congregations.
The Jewish Cultural Reconstruction (JCR) initiative was formed in the United States to find homes for these books. They were sent primarily to Jewish libraries and other organizations in the United ...