House Republicans are salivating over their chances in purple seats thanks to ambitious Democrats eyeing newly open Senate ...
A growing number of House vacancies are giving governors the power to hold seats open indefinitely, casting uncertainty over ...
Back in November, three Pennsylvania Republicans won seats in Congress by tight margins HARRISBURG ... decide the presidency ...
The Republican House majority is in jeopardy due to the upcoming Supreme Court race in Wisconsin, which could result in a liberal majority on the court and the potential striking down of the ...
Three Iowa Democratic legislators are considering a run for the party's nomination in the state's 3rd Congressional District.
The chairman of the House Republican campaign committee is already predicting his party will pick up seats in the midterm ...
Two months after being sworn into U.S. Congress, Rep. Sylvester Turner’s House seat will now be vacant after he passed away ...
Though Rudman announced in early December his intention to resign the District 3 seat and run to succeed Matt Gaetz as the U.S. House representative for Florida's First Congressional District ...