The following day, Japanese forces lost one of the world's two biggest battleships ... Still, the crew of No. 2 aft gun turret fired off six more shells at the enemy before leaving their post.
the museum's manager of historic ships. Take a look inside. The USS Becuna completed five patrols, sank 3,888 tons of shipping, and earned four combat stars in World War II. After the war ...
Steve Pettyjohn from Cleveland will speak on the “Rise and Fall of the Battleship” when he speaks to the World ...
The U.S. is not building enough ships at the pace required to counter growing threats abroad. An Office of Shipbuilding would ...
After serving as a battleship in World War II and a training ship after the war, the Becuna was enhanced with a GUPPY 1-A conversion in 1951. The submarine carried out various peacetime missions, such ...