Graduate from college early by taking advantage of the Western Illinois University Summer Session. Courses are taught by dedicated, full-time faculty who are committed to your education - the vast ...
Pryor, Charles, Professor - Accountancy; Stipes Hall 442P • [email protected] Westen, Cheryl, Senior Instructor - Accountancy; Stipes Hall 431I • (309) 298-1023 • [email protected] Yan, Zhiqiang, ...
Western Illinois University's Office of Public Safety (OPS) ensures the safety and security of students, faculty, staff and campus visitors, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. OPS works with others ...
WIU mathematics students study fundamental mathematical areas by taking core courses. Depending on the choice of option they further their education in either Teacher Education, pure or applied ...
Any research that involves human subjects, whether funded or not, that is undertaken by a WIU faculty, academic staff or student or supported by Western Illinois University, must be reviewed by the ...
Check Financial Aid Information on STARS to: Set up a Parent and Guest Account on STARS if you want a parent or other person to be able to see your financial aid information on STARS or to talk with ...