A two-car accident at the intersection of Sam Turner Road and Route 151 left both drivers with minor injuries.
Knights Theatre Company students are taking on “Hadestown,” a love story that follows the mythical tale of Orpheus and ...
Bonita Oteri served her country as a major in the US Army as a major. In a military career that was built on the foundation ...
Plans for a new Willowbend Country Club housing development called Cranberry Point were approved by the Mashpee Planning ...
Holtec Senior Compliance Manager David Noyes gave the Nuclear Decommissioning Citizen Advisory Panel an update on the current ...
Zachary A. Lawrence has been named the director of engineering and maintenance at the Woods Hole, Martha’s Vineyard and ...
Bourne resident and school committee member Kari D. MacRae announced yesterday that she will challenge Democratic incumbent ...
On Tuesday, March 27 a resident noticed flames and smoke coming from a neighbors garage on Harris Hill Road. The homeowner ...
The board of health held a public hearing this week regarding a new regulation aimed at reducing the amount of single-use ...
Dog Man is the wildly popular half-man, half-dog crime fighter. The book fair had the entire 13-volume series, bookmarks, ...
Emily Ward of North Falmouth, a freshman at Sturgis Charter Public School, earned a third-place award at the Southeastern ...
Vote-by-mail applications are now available for the Mashpee Town Election, which will be held on Saturday, May 10.