Newark Board of Education approved a $1.57 billion budget on Wednesday that includes an annual $33.12 tax increase to the ...
The child care voucher program is facing a perfect storm of budget threats, and may need nearly a billion dollars in extra ...
Graduates of the iconic Philadelphia High School for Girls include Gloria Allred and Jill Scott. But after a huge enrollment ...
In the three years being on the panel, I’ve never left feeling like, ‘Man, what did we just do?’” said Greg Faulkner, the ...
That’s what New Yorkers indicated they wanted from their education news in a survey conducted last December for Civic News ...
In one memorable Chalkbeat essay, Katie Kraushaar, now Katie Hicks, wrote that the pandemic revealed that “to teach is to ...
The City University of New York designed the ASAP program to support students in New York City. But the program’s expansion ...
The Board of Education adopted a $4.6 billion preliminary budget for the upcoming fiscal year. But that spending blueprint ...
Construction of a secure vestibule at East, the site of a 2023 shooting, was supposed to start over spring break. Now the ...
Nearly a third of Michigan students are chronically absent. A new book says we shouldn’t leave it up to schools to reduce ...
Amendments to a sweeping deregulation bill also try to clarify what schools can charge fees for after Indiana’s push to end ...
"This is a bully bill," said one opponent. The version that cleared the House Education Committee would allow districts to ...