You may be having a late period, but how much of a delay is normal for your period? It depends. On average, a menstrual cycle lasts 28 days, but 38 days could also be within the range of normal. Your ...
Apart from affecting your menstrual cycle, taking Plan B can also cause short-term side effects that may start when you take the pill and persist for a few days ... period is over a week late ...
There’s nothing more stressful than a late ... days isn’t necessarily a cause for concern Mr Khan And, of course, there are other reasons for delayed periods beyond stress. If your cycle ...
Sometimes they’re late, other times they last way too long, and sometimes they’re early, ruining a perfectly good pair of white jeans. While slight fluctuations in a cycle are totally normal ...
“However, it seemed to make my period late. My cycle has always been very regular, so when I realised that I was four days late, I panicked about potentially being pregnant. I started ...
The menstrual phase The menstrual phase is the first phase of the menstrual cycle and lasts about seven days — you may know it as your period. During the menstrual phase, your hormones shift ...