Dawoh’s email warns that the U.N. "is currently experiencing its worst liquidity crisis since its establishment. The situation is expected to deteriorate further before any improvement occurs." ...
We are shocked to tell the public that the chairman of Amadiba Crisis Committee, Sikhosiphi Bazooka Rhadebe from Mdatya village in Amadiba, was brutally assassinatedtonight outside his house in ...
UNICEF warned on Wednesday that approximately 825,000 children are trapped by escalating violence and severe food shortages in Sudan’s North Darfur region. The UN agency called for their urgent ...
In this article, we’ve outlined five investors who demonstrated remarkable timing by making big investments during the 2007-2009 financial crisis, eventually generating big gains as a result.
Human rights activists in South Africa have been victims of aggression, intimation, assault and murder, such as what happened last night in the Xolobeni region of the Eastern Cape when the chairperson ...
The conflict between Israel and Palestinians — and other groups in the Middle East — goes back decades. These stories provide context for current developments and the history that led up to them.
The world’s richest men are taking from the world’s poorest communities with deadly consequences. Right now, every $1 becomes $5 to fight for equality.