Research suggests arts and cultural engagement can be used to help treat the symptoms of a number of conditions, including ...
It is an especially relevant question for many living with Huntington’s Disease (HD). Notably, some studies have shown that ...
The promise of spring is nearly here. The chirps of the birds have returned, and it is becoming more socially acceptable to ...
Joanne, who lives in east Belfast, will be moving from art therapy to therapy, volunteering with Larder>East, based in St Christopher’s Church on Mersey Street. The community food hub, which started ...
An Evanston-based art therapy group that connects with its patients through music, dance and art will be able to accept more ...
Addiction and mental health are deeply intertwined issues that affect millions of people in the United States. Understanding ...
No matter how long ago the damage happened, it’s never too late to reframe the story and consider forgiveness.
Modern accounts of Sylvia Plath’s renowned work and legacy seek to highlight the author’s resilience through a decade-long ...
As the second anniversary of the deadly mass shooting on Michigan State University's campus nears, a new Broad Art Museum ...
Depression, anxiety, and trauma can lock the brain into rigid patterns of thought and behavior. Art therapy, by challenging the brain in novel ways, can help break these cycles and foster growth.
Life has its ups and downs. That being said, if the feelings of sorrow, tiredness, and hopelessness become overwhelming, it can be depression rather than just a rough period. Millions of individuals ...
ITU AbsorbTech is headquartered in New Berlin, Wisconsin. The company provides managed service programs for shop towels, ...