"Such a transition to a glacial state in 10,000 years' time is very unlikely to happen, because human emissions of carbon ...
An investigation, carried out by the astrophysicists of the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC), questions one of the ...
Scientists have determined exactly how Earth's orbit and tilt affect glaciation and deglaciation, based on the length of ...
The subtle changes in orbit (eccentricity), the planet’s inclination compared to the orbit (obliquity), and the change in the ...
A new study confirms that changes in Earth’s tilt relative to the Sun have influenced the growth and retreat of ice sheets ...
Earth's history is a roller-coaster of climate fluctuations, of relative warmth giving way to frozen periods of glaciation ...
The ebb and flow of Pleistocene glacial cycles is not random; it follows a predictable pattern dictated by the distinct and deterministic influence of Earth’s orbital geometry, according to a new ...
Earth has experienced several climate cycles throughout its long history, including several ice ages that caused the planet to freeze over. The last ice ag | Earth And The Environment ...