British youth were cut off from the benefits of youth mobility when the UK introduced its brexit rules in 2019. Many feel ...
With Keir Starmer in town, EU officials and diplomats say their expectations were too high when the British PM took office ...
Andrew Hesselden is director of the 180 Days in Spain campaign, which aims to reverse the rule that limits Britons’ movement ...
According to The Sunday Times, Downing Street chief of staff Morgan McSweeney accused Starmer of being “like an HR manager, ...
On Jan. 31, 2020 at 11 p.m. London time – midnight at EU headquarters in Brussels — the U.K. officially left the bloc after ...
Friday marks five years since Britain left the European Union on Jan. 31, 2020. People and businesses are still wrestling ...
Brexit supporters argue that short-term pain will be offset by Britain’s new freedom to strike trade deals around the world.