When the county is in turmoil and awash in frustration, suspicion and anger it may help to think about basic principles — to think about those ideas that have inspired ...
Democracies often have fewer murders per capita than other countries, but they are often also wealthier than countries with ...
When experts evaluate democratic backsliding in the US, they often compare it to other countries experiencing similar ...
Instead of turning inward and protecting itself, Harvard must set an example for civil society by making a firm public ...
When truth becomes a casualty of political warfare, democracy suffers. What happens when citizens can no longer distinguish ...
Rebuilding democracy there will be an enormous task ... Polling day in Pakistan, for example, was marred by violence. The most popular politician, Imran Khan, whose own democratic credentials ...
In a guest column, Paul Killam, a retired professor of government and public affairs, offers a handful of ideas that would ...