Lomolino; [email protected] conservation biology, wildlife, ecology, evolution and biogeography Gregory McGee; [email protected] ecology, management and restoration of forest ecosystems; STEM education ...
The Program in Ecology and Evolution (PiEE) is an interdisciplinary doctoral program focusing on the scientific study of the relations between organisms and their environments. Research interests of ...
The Program in Ecology and Evolution (PiEE) is an interdepartmental doctoral program housed at the University of Wyoming in the high plains of Laramie. PiEE is the largest PhD program at the ...
"This changes the way we think about key innovations," said Nick Peoples, a study author and a graduate student at the University of California, Davis Department of Evolution and Ecology, according to ...
The Triassic is one of the most important periods in the evolution of life on Earth. After one of the greatest mass ...
Our faculty, students and researchers travel the world to conduct research in ecology and evolution. Learn more about their experiences and stories in our In the Field articles. Ecology and ...
The doctoral (PhD) degree program in Ecology, Evolution and Earth Systems (EEES) at Drexel University is a multidisciplinary program that emphasizes collaboration with other departments at the ...
Ecology is not only a science; it is also a worldview. Plants and animals are internally related. Manipulating them can have unintended and often unwelcome consequences. Human nature has been ...
Biology of animals from first organized multi-cell through Hominids; the origin and evolution of the metazoa phyla, their physiology, development, ecology, behavior, natural history, and systematics.
In natural and agricultural ecosystems, omnivorous insects are omnipresent. Whether they are 'true omnivores' that require both plant and prey resources to complete their life-cycle, 'herbivores ...
We are delighted to present the second edition Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution's 'Women in Chemical Ecology” article collection.At present, less than 30% ...
Ecology and evolution of species interactions in a changing world Our group is interested in the eco-evolutionary dynamics of species interactions in multi-trophic communities. We are specifically ...