Though it's primarily known as a college town, this Kansas-based destination sports plenty of arts and culture, including a ...
Twelve thousand people are gathered at the finish line as bicyclists pass through the iconic arch that marks the finish of a ...
Emporia State University president Ken Hush defended faculty and staff firings and academic program reallocations, saying ...
William C. “Bill” Hogue built about 4,000 homes in Shawnee County while running Mission Valley Ranch, near Dover, and a Flint ...
In December, U.S. District Court Judge Julie Robinson rejected a motion filed by ESU to dismiss a lawsuit filed by former ...
Lawrence city commissioners will consider approving financial incentives for an affordable housing complex in East Lawrence ...
The Flint Hills Rodeo, one of the oldest consecutive rodeos in Kansas, brings authentic cowboy culture to life each summer.
A three-day stay like in Dodge City this time last year fit the kind of vacation that fans around Blue Rapids envisioned for ...
The Flint Hills Scenic Byway provides one of the most breathtaking drives in Kansas, particularly stunning during golden hour when the setting sun transforms the landscape into a sea of illuminated ...
The changing of clocks always makes me grumpy, especially in the spring when it means losing an hour of the weekend.
Born blue due to lack of oxygen — "I looked like a Smurf," she tells PEOPLE — she was diagnosed with a congenital heart ...
College towns with Midwest charm and culture The Midwest is filled with lively college towns, each with its own charm, energy and student-fueled culture. Dominated mostly by schools in the Big Ten ...