Billions of yen in government subsidies have attracted businesses and fueled a surge in industrial park development across areas affected by the Fukushima nuclear disaster.
Mapping prepared by a Victorian climate action group shows just how far the impacts of a nuclear disaster could spread, if ...
This is the first such attempt on a commercial unit in Japan, after Chubu Electric decided in 2008 to dismantle two reactors ...
It took the European Geosciences Union’s peer-reviewed data showing the spread of Caesium 137 isotopes after the Fukushima disaster and imposed it on the seven proposed nuclear reactor sites.
The Coalition's proposed nuclear sites in Queensland would not have access to enough water to manage a nuclear incident, ...
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) experts have confirmed that the tritium concentration in the 11th batch of diluted ...
Japan’s three historic nuclear events — the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in the closing days of World War II and ...
A Japanese court has rejected a request to revoke the approval given by the Nuclear Regulation Authority (NRA) to ...
The operator of the nuclear plant plans to discharge 7,800 tons of treated water containing tritium, a radioactive substance, ...