An American sailor said the Portuguese-flagged cargo ship ‘came out of the blue’ as it smashed into his oil tanker ...
With its lack of pebbles and tourists, this lesser-known beach on Greece's Antipaxos Island is a must-visit for those seeking ...
A news article referring to the strategic value of the proposed corridor linking India, the Middle East and Europe (Imec), as discussed between senior officials of Cyprus and Greece caught the eye of ...
An oil tanker and cargo ship are both reported to be on fire after colliding in the North Sea off the coast of Lincolnshire, ...
An oil tanker collided with a cargo ship in the North Sea off the northeastern coast of the United Kingdom, causing a massive ...
A crew member remains missing after an oil tanker and cargo ship collided in the North Sea off the coast of East ... shows. Image: A map from shows the oil ...
Sitting in the Ionian Sea, several miles west off of Greece's northwest coast and Albania's southwest coast, Corfu is the second largest of the Ionian Islands. This T-shaped island's 229 square ...
Life Under Water is back for a second season after an incredibly successful first season which won a Bronze Climate award at ...
Looking for a forecast guide for Ionian cruising? Charter Skipper Tom Fletcher provides his top tips for reading the weather in the area.
In the Argolida region of southern Greece, water escapes through cracks in an irrigation canal feeding a plain of orange ...
Looking at a map, it is clear that the Karamenderes River is the ... where the Karamenderes River meets the sea. From these and other Greek records, we know that there was still a functioning city ...