Last week I had the pleasure of attending the Global Physics Summit (GPS) in Anaheim California, where I rubbed shoulders with 15,0000 fellow physicists. The best part of being there was chatting with ...
Physics is the science of matter and of the forces that hold our universe together. Scientific achievements in physics can affect philosophical thinking and our entire worldview, but physics research ...
Circular motion refers to the movement of an object along a circular path at a constant radius from a fixed point. While the object's speed may remain constant, its velocity continuously changes due ...
Designed around first principles found in science, physics and biology, our flagship product, Genius, is a suite of tools for machine learning practitioners to model complex dynamic systems and ...
Access more than 20 years of online content Manage which e-mail newsletters you want to receive Read about the big breakthroughs and innovations across 13 scientific topics Explore the key issues and ...
This three-year programme offers a variant of the advanced study offered in the Physics BSc. You will develop specialised knowledge of the theoretical structure of the core topics in physics. The ...
De Masi has a strong background in business and physics and has been a member of IonQ’s board of directors since 2021. In addition, he brings extensive experience in driving growth and raising ...