CBS's The Young and The Restless first premiered on March 26, 1973, and was created by Lee and William Bell. The show is set in the fictional Genoa City in Wisconsin and revolves around the Newman ...
Unfortunately, it's the worst-case scenario. According to NFL Network's Ian Rapoport, Watson tore his ACL and may have "suffered additional damage." Due to the timing of the injury, it could ...
Nikki’s terrified to see Ian in her living room, and he enjoys seeing her freak out. Meanwhile, Jordan finds a new hiding spot for Sharon (Sharon Case), who looks worse for the wear. A knocked ...
Ian Rapoport is NFL Network's lead Insider, a position he has held since July of 2013. He originally joined NFL Network in April of 2012, serving as the Dallas-based field reporter while also ...
Ian’s (Ray Wise) presence in town rocks several people to their core. Meanwhile, the race is on to find a missing Sharon (Sharon Case) before it’s too late. It’s not all about the Newman ...
Since the pair resurfaced and it became clear that Jordan has been doing Ian’s bidding as it pertains to Sharon (Sharon Case), Heather (Vail Bloom) and Phyllis (Michelle Stafford), Jordan has grumbled ...
The culprit? Jordan (Colleen Zenk), who has chloroformed and abducted Sharon as part of Ian Ward’s (Ray Wise) sinister plan. Ian’s ultimate goal is Sharon’s demise, setting the stakes ...
The Young and the Restless (Y&R) is an American soap opera that premiered in 1973 as a half-hour program five days a week. It was extended to one hour on February 4, 1980. Over the years, the show ...
Y&R Spoilers: Jordan and Ian’s Sinister Plot to Frame Phyllis – Will Her Death Threats Against Sharon Lead to Prison? Y&R spoilers reveal Jordan and Ian target Phyllis Summers, using her recent ...