Tim Busch, the California lawyer and businessman who champions conservative Catholic causes, has written an essay proclaiming ...
The Community of Sant Egidio, a Catholic lay organization that continues to honor his legacy, believes he is a modern-day martyr for peace ... entering a packed St. John’s Catholic Church during ...
The life of St. Augustine offers hope; he is a real-life prodigal son.Where would the Church and ... know a lapsed Catholic — sadly, some know more than one. Their absence at Mass penetrates ...
Among my most distinctive memories of growing up Catholic in ... the bottom floor of the church building, the same room in which we did school plays and gathered after Mass to share coffee and ...
It is often said that the Catholic ... of modern times. He dismisses those hoping for women’s ordination, reminding them, “We are Catholics,” and that they are free to start another church ...
All Catholics should seek to be reconciled with God and the Church by going to confession and by going to Mass and Holy Communion ... teachings do for us anyway? Catholic teaching in this matter ...
Each month, when I face an auditorium full of engaged couples preparing for a Catholic ... why the Church insists on a discipline that is such a sign of contradiction to the modern world.
Conclave depicts the election of a new pope, exploring the rituals and challenges facing the modern Catholic Church ... of Conclave the movie finding mass popular appeal at a time when the ...
Jesus was shown in robes with long hair and a beard, while Satan was dressed in more modern ... in a church in Germany. Last year, an avatar of “Jesus” on a computer screen in a Catholic ...
Parishioners rallied outside Holy Trinity Catholic Church calling for longtime priest Father Charles Jacob to be reinstated.