This free Mother Teresa Do It Anyway printable is a beautiful inspirational quote to hang up in your home. Simply fill out ...
learning that people are people no matter what you call them. Some of those people were called some unsavory names. She’s been described as a “living saint” and a “Methodist Mother Teresa.” ...
Dworkin published Right-Wing Women in 1983 as second-wave feminism faded and the Reagan revolution got underway. There was ...
Achieving world peace is something that leaders across the globe have been working toward for decades, but we can all do our part by being kind to one another. Thankfully, there are words of wisdom ...
There’s little sign of buyer’s remorse among Donald Trump’s political converts in Texas’s heavily Latino Starr County.
It was a case of third time lucky. When Jack Woolley was competing in taekwondo at the Paris Olympics, his partner Dave Stig ...
From my life-coaching seat, I've noticed that the primary difference between successful people and unsuccessful people is that the successful people fail more. If you see failure as a monster stalking ...
I am still trying to digest what this means. Mike just smiled and said, “I am beginning to better understand your aversion to recipes; perhaps it’s because you can’t follow them.” ...
Slightly over a year later, his wife, my mother-in-law Eileen Savoia ... The space they left behind can never be filled, except by memories of those who loved them, and who love them still. The ...