Net-tricks and chill. Netflix users have been warned to look out for an insidious, AI-powered email scam that looks nearly indistinguishable from the real deal. This cybernetic Trojan horse, which was ...
NETFLIX users in the UK may be at risk of an online scam that could drain their bank accounts. The fraudulent scheme tries to ...
Anyone with a UK Netflix account must be on red alert with scammers, once again, trying to trick people into handing over ...
The danger starts with an official-looking email sent to inboxes that states " NETFLIX ACCOUNT". Once opened, users then see a message that claims their account has been placed on hold due to "payment ...
People are advised not to follow any instructions received in this fraudulent email as scammers could use your details to ...
Anyone with a Netflix account faces a serious threat of being swindled out of important personal details - here's how to ...
Emails are being sent asking people to "Please update your banking details" alongside a message that says: "We still can't ...
This includes your Netflix username, password, home address and card details. 'Although phishing emails have been around since the birth of the email address, AI technology has now enabled ...
Next time you check your Gmail, Yahoo or Outlook inbox, be on high alert for a worrying new scam. Cyber crooks appear to be back, and this time, they are using the popular Netflix service to try and ...
Know Netflix’s protocols. The company shares on its website that it will never ask for credit or debit card numbers, passwords or bank account details via email or text message. Guard your ID.
Subscriber numbers continued to shoot up in the second half of last year, but Netflix hasn’t significantly expanded its user base, Moffett Nathanson said.