Dramatic changes in technology and in the media's role in converging technologies require new management and leadership techniques and paradigms. This course aims to give students a survey of some of ...
What is the Television & Media Management Graduate Program? Drexel University's Television & Media Management Graduate Program prepares students to lead and innovate in the fast-paced, ever-changing ...
Rightsline will showcase innovations “designed to make rights and royalties management smarter, faster, and more efficient for the media and … The post appeared first on TV News Check. The post NAB ...
In only a few years, the internet established itself as a tool that not only changes the way we communicate, but also the way we do business. A true global communication medium, the internet has ...
At the intersection of art, visual communication, design strategy and user experience design, the four-year undergraduate New Media Design program, delivered in Zagreb, produces innovative thinkers, ...
and management studies, preparing students to succeed in a complex and rapidly changing media and communications landscape. Studying in the world’s media capital, New York City, our students acquire ...