The military wanted to test the electromagnetic impacts of nuclear weapons in space. In 1962 they lit up the sky.
France-based nuclear start-up Naarea (Nuclear Abundant Affordable Resourceful Energy for All) Naarea has opened its ...
The U.S. tested nuclear weapons until the early 1990s. Since then, scientists have been using supercomputers and experiments ...
In addition to highlighting the need for the Radiation Exposure Compensation Act, Dave Crete’s story highlights the dangers of explosive nuclear testing ...
U.S. energy group Westinghouse proposed using decommissioned nuclear sites in Italy for the installation of small modular ...
Texas A&M plans to be a test bed for small nuclear reactors that could help meet the state's skyrocketing electricity demand ...
The rigorous testing and evaluation process saw the MH-139A helicopters responding to a simulated threat with a full tactical response force loadout and ...
Nemcic is far from alone. Robert Krouse is a former DOD contractor who said he worked alongside these vets. He endured two ...
[8] One of us (Cochran), then with the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), was already advocating for a joint project to set up seismic stations around both Soviet and US nuclear test sites. In ...
For years, France buried radioactive waste from nuclear tests it conducted in the Algerian desert. And for decades, it ...