Osgood-Schlatter disease is an injury resulting from overuse. It most common in adolescents experiencing growth spurts and is caused by inflammation of the tendon that attaches the kneecap to the ...
For more information on Osgood Schlatter’s disease and the treatment involved, do not hesitate to contact the clinic for a no cost consultation. Dr. Mark McDonald, PT, DPT, OCS is a lifelong ...
Background Osgood-Schlatter disease (OSD) of the knee in youth is one of the most frequent of anterior knee pain in athletes. There are several risk factors that contribute to this disease. Objective ...
Background High-intensity sports like Squash expose immature athletes to the risk of developing Osgood-Schlatter's (OSD) disease during critical periods of growth. Acute OSD episodes have been ...
The pain in his knees is probably due to a condition called Osgood Schlatter's disease. This is a common problem which typically occurs during times of fast growth usually in fit active boys ...