His front sidewalk has pole-vault runway markings and he runs on it to practice jump timing. Ropes, weights and technique-building gear fill his basement. A vaulting pit is in the back yard.
Ira Welborn, a Georgia pole vault record-breaker who coached hundreds of young vaulters in Jacksonville, has died at age 83.
hoisting a tall pole into a boxed area and launching themselves into the air over a raised bar before finally landing on a large padded mat in a vault pit. These athletes are practicing a sport ...
One study found that out of 34 pole vault deaths studied, 32 could have been prevented by using a pit at that size. The sizable cost, however, has caused many institutions to try to slide by with ...
With no pole vault pit at either Elmwood or Brimfield, Strahm travels to the Normal-based Flying Dragons Pole Vault Club on Tuesdays and Thursdays. There she trains under the watchful eye of Mike ...
For those who are still living under a pole vault pit, “American Ninja Warrior” is a long-running TV game show where participants compete against a formidable obstacle course that routinely ...