Results from the company’s Phase I/II trial showed the injectable therapy to have an effective half-life of 91.4 hours.
Lu rhPSMA-10.1 showed high tumor radiation with low healthy tissue exposure in a phase 1/2 trial for metastatic ...
The ionising effect of radiation is used in the Geiger-Muller (GM) tube as a means of detecting the radiation. The GM tube is a hollow cylinder filled with a gas at low pressure. The tube has a ...
Boosting cells with a tardigrade protein reduced DNA damage after radiation, offering potential protection for healthy tissue ...
and connecting EMS boards to profiles using drywall screws, with the aluminum layer facing the radiation source. The final step includes applying aluminum tape to the board joints and covering the ...
After a PET scan, how long does a patient need to wait before using public transportation without setting off radiation detectors? » Does a patient need to restrict his or her activities after a ...
The Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant’s radiation levels have significantly dropped since the cataclysmic meltdown 14 years ago Tuesday. Workers walk around in many ...
Original Medicare Part A covers radiation therapy received as an inpatient in the hospital, Part B covers radiation therapy received as an outpatient in a clinic, and Part D may cover oral ...