A special election was conducted in Ann Arbor on Wednesday, March 12, but it didn’t look anything like voters are used to ...
The Senate bill to ban ranked choice voting breezed through the House of Delegates this week, passed overwhelmingly on Friday ...
CT’s proposed ranked choice voting legislation is a carefully constructed, bipartisan effort that embraces flexibility and ...
“It’s confusing to have ranked choice voting and then it’s really confusing with two candidates with the same last name on ...
“There’s a perverse incentive for people who really aren’t viable and shouldn’t be running to stay in the race because they have very little to lose,” said a staffer for one mayoral campaign who was ...
Boston is inching closer to having ranked choice voting in local elections. The push, led by At-Large City Councilor Ruthzee Louijeune, comes nearly five years after voters across the commonwealth ...
Jim Light, who was appointed Redondo Beach mayor early last year after his friend and longtime city leader Bill Brand died of ...