As investments pour in, data centres are stretching water and energy resources, but governments are focusing on ...
Located on 143 acres three miles east of Russell, the $36 million project was designed and constructed by DEPCOM Power. The ...
The energy return on investment for wind and solar technologies in New Zealand is becoming comparable to hydropower.
A new report explores how Southwest Power Pool can meet the demand of substantial load growth while keeping electricity ...
Sunflower Electric Power Corporation announces the construction of its newest renewable energy resource, the Sunflower ...
Southern California Gas Company (SoCalGas) has announced it has executed a contract with Organic Energy Solutions (OES) to ...
The Sierra Club and four other public interest organizations say that jumping the interconnection queue offers no guarantee ...
The study by NBER, Georgetown University, and the U.S. Department of the Treasury examines the limitations of the ...
A report commissioned by the Sierra Club looked at how Utah and Wyoming could save money if PacifiCorp ramped up its pursuit ...
Strong natural systems and the resources they provide, from water filtration to renewable energy sources, are a vital part of healthy, robust communities.
Until now, a global evaluation of ocean current energy with actual data was lacking. Using 30 years of NOAA's Global Drifter ...
DTE Energy has issued a Request for Proposal (RFP) for new standalone energy storage projects totaling approximately 450 MW.