The ringed gas giant Saturn has officially replaced Jupiter as the planet in our solar system with the most moons. The ...
“These moons are a few kilometers in size and are likely all fragments of a smaller number of originally captured moons that ...
Scientists believe that the moons are remnants of larger objects shattered by ancient collisions, a glimpse into the chaotic early solar system.
Using data collected by NASA's Juno spacecraft as it flew past Jupiter's highly volcanic moon Io in late 2023 and again in ...
Getting from Earth to space isn’t just about speed—it’s about planning the right trajectory. The Moon, our closest neighbor, ...
If there was a contest for the most interesting moon in our solar system, Callisto would be a contender. Jupiter's ...
But this week, Jupiter has truly been left in the dust. Astronomers have just announced the detection of an additional 128 moons, brining Saturn’s total to an eyewatering 274. “This is a ...
Saturn has taken an impressive lead in the "who has the most moons" race with Jupiter after the discovery of a further 128 natural satellites orbiting the gas giant. From 2019 to 2021, the Canada ...
Saturn has decisively claimed the crown. With the discovery of 128 new moons, the ringed planet’s total count has soared to 274 — nearly twice as many as all other planets combined. Jupiter now trails ...
"Sure enough, we found 128 new moons." Jupiter and Saturn have taken turns hosting the most known moons. Jupiter's current number of known moons is 95, and that number is expected to rise.
The team had previously used the telescope to discover 62 more Saturnian moons, a discovery ratified in 2023 that vaulted the planet past Jupiter's moon tally. Ashton said that given the ...