SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO — A suspect was arrested Thursday in connection with several burglaries at a South San Francisco ...
Towing the minivan amounted to "essentially burying Monica alive," attorney John Carpenter said, referencing the death of ...
Lake Tahoe police officers remind drivers that road closed signs aren't there for decoration after a truck driver got stuck.
The first sign of the blizzard and the 10 inches of show it left behind is along Highway 20 coming into Fort Dodge, with mile after mile of cars and trucks stuck in snow drifts. Tow trucks are now ...
A Toledo woman says even after she talked to her insurance company, a third-party company insists it’s helping, but they aren't.
The Route 10 traffic light and a sign for a downtown barbecue restaurant appeared to be the only casualties, although traffic ...
Firefighters, police and tow trucks responded to a crash in the northbound lanes of Interstate 93 near Exit 43 on Wednesday ...
When SR-89 closes near Emerald Bay, motorists wanting to drive from South Lake Tahoe to Tahoe's West shore, or vice-versa, ...
Kocani, in the east of North Macedonia, was in shock after a fire tore through a factory-turned-disco, killing 59 and ...
Anderson Towing was placed on a six month suspension for charging 2.5 to 3 times what it's considered reasonable.