TRIBUNMURIA.COM, KAJEN - Kronologi tragedi di Kecamatan Petungkriyono, Kabupaten Pekalongan. Bencana alam telan 26 korban: 17 ditemukan tewas, sementara 9 orang lainnya dilaporkan hilang. Bencana alam ...
BALIEXPRESS.ID - Kabupaten Pekalongan dilanda duka mendalam setelah bencana longsor besar melanda Kecamatan Petungkriyono pada Senin malam, 20 Januari 2025. Hingga Selasa, 21 Januari 2025 pukul 15.50 ...
Eight years ago, voters across the UK faced a historic choice in the Brexit referendum. Now, five years after officially leaving the EU, the country is still grappling with the fallout.
The courtroom showdown over a trade dispute will be the first between the two since the last Brexit negotiations took place in 2021 conducted by Boris Johnson. To make their case, the EU has claimed ...
This announcement comes just days after Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez laid out plans to slap a 100 per cent property tax on non-EU homeowners in the country. Sánchez has announced a slew of housing ...
The UK no longer applies EU rules on free movement, which allow EU nationals to travel freely with a valid passport or an identity card. As an EU national, the entry documents required when travelling ...
JAKARTA, – Kebakaran hebat yang melanda Glodok Plaza pada Rabu (15/1/2025) meninggalkan tragedi mengerikan. Delapan jenazah ditemukan terpisah di lantai 8, area yang dikenal sebagai tempat ...
AB+ malam ini, membahas tragedi kebakaran Glodok Plaza serta dugaan penyebabnya. Hanya di iNews, pukul 20.00 WIB. (Foto: iNews) Advertisement . Scroll to see content JAKARTA, - Kebakaran ...
KENDAL, - Edi Sunarsono (68), orang tua dari OY Osima Yukari, pramugari yang masuk dalam daftar orang hilang akibat kebakaran di Glodok Plaza, Jakarta, pada Rabu (15/1/2025), ditemui sedang ...
Oshima Yukari, pramugari BBN Airlines Indonesia yang hilang dalam tragedi kebakaran Glodok Plaza TRIBUN-MEDAN.COM,- Seorang pramugari BBN Airlines Indonesia, Oshima Yukari kini dalam pencarian pihak ...
Brussels has challenged the move, arguing that it is in contravention of the post-Brexit trade deal and will discriminate against Danish fishing vessels. The issue will now be heard at a three-day ...
Sandeel is a favourite food of threatened seabirds such as puffins The humble sandeel is set to take centre stage in the first courtroom trade battle between the UK and EU since Brexit.