Feminism in India has largely been a response to historical and cultural realities and has changed according to the level of ...
Beyoncé identifying as a feminist was described as a watershed moment, but some have questioned whether celebrity-led ...
“The first wave of feminism emerged out of an environment that desired to open opportunities for women, and it continues to be relevant as women seek equality in an ever-complex world,” she ...
Renowned musician and social activist Farzana Wahid Shayan, known for her bold stance on gender inequality and oppression, ...
Research suggests that pandemics are more likely to reduce rather than build trust in scientific and political authorities.
Women's Day is around the corner, and still, women are struggling to clarify many concepts, among which is feminism in this ...
Despite many obstacles, popular feminism is advancing grassroots struggles in Venezuela, a country under siege.
While the saying might go that 'imitation is the sincerest form of flattery', that doesn't always hold true, especially if ...