The Annapolis Five, a group of African Americans who were denied service at a restaurant in 1960 because of the color of their skin, will receive a new, larger plaque on West Street to honor their ...
To help you find exactly the right words to express your thankfulness on this day of recognition, we've gathered a collection of wishes, messages and Employee Appreciation Day quotes to inspire ...
As I prepared to write an assessment of President Donald J. Trump’s first month in office, I realized I had the wrong perspective. Certainly, this has been the most revolutionary month of any ...
Kolkata: The Calcutta Cricket & Football Club (CC&FC), one of world's oldest and most prestigious institutions, received the heritage plaque by the Kolkata chapter of the Indian National Trust for ...
The amount of people who disapprove has increased since a February survey. Last month, 44 percent approved of Trump’s economic handling and 48 percent disapproved. Since the last survey ...
President Donald Trump honored Black History Month with a reception at the White ... the special government employee running Trump’s campaign to quickly shrink the federal government by firing ...
CAIRO — Observant Muslims the world over will soon be united in a ritual of daily fasting from dawn to sunset as the Islamic holy month of Ramadan starts. For Muslims, it’s a time of increased ...
Please provide the rationale for all such deviations on an employee-by-employee basis along with the proposed increased threshold.” The GSA, one of the first agencies that Musk allies ...
To honor this important month, we’ve compiled a list of inspiring quotes from influential women who have made their mark on the world.
Ramadan, the Islamic holy month, is set to begin the evening of Feb. 28. Muslims in Michigan will observe with fasting, prayers, Quran recitation and charity. Muslims throughout Michigan will soon ...