Based on the nostalgic toys of the 1980s, the animated series, written by Gavin Hignight ( Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2012, ...
A teenager testified Tuesday in disturbing detail about the six years of harrowing abuse she suffered at the hands of her ...
WSU's Elson S. Floyd College of Medicine to host the Health Justice and Belonging Conference virtually on Feb. 5-6.
Joining us this week is Nikki Garcia, a retired WWE wrestler and the latest victim on The Traitors Season 3. (Our interview ...
UISD has named Rosana Arizola as the new principal of Alexander High School, five months after announcing an investigation involving three school administrators.
At a Lorain City Council Finance Committee meeting, Auditor Joseph Koziura warned officials of tough monetary times coming ...
Then on Monday, a Lincoln Police officer in the area of 14th and F streets spotted a man acting suspiciously and wiping down ...
A 35-year-old snowboarder who went missing in the Wrightwood area as snow fell across Southern California's mountain ...
Founders of Houston-based Leaf & Grain are launching a new pizza concept called Murray's in Memorial this summer.
Authorities have long claimed that Smith, 54, was driving high when his Freightliner semitruck swerved onto the shoulder of I ...
A new season of competition cooking show "Top Chef" will feature Houston chefs Henry Lu of Jun and Tristen Epps of Buboy.
Noncitizen students in Pittsburgh and the U.S. worry about their futures as Donald Trump signs targeted executive orders.