The Thirlwall Inquiry has been examining how the former neonatal nurse was able to murder or attack 14 babies at the Countess ...
On Wednesday, Lady Justice Thirlwall refused the application from the senior hospital managers to pause the inquiry, pending the outcome of Letby's latest challenge to her multiple convictions for ...
Chairwoman of the inquiry Lady Justice Thirlwall (Peter Byrne/PA) A public inquiry into the crimes of Lucy Letby will not be halted, its chairwoman, Lady Justice Thirlwall, has ruled. Since ...
A public inquiry into the crimes of Lucy Letby will not be halted, its chairwoman, Lady Justice Thirlwall, has ruled. Since September the Thirlwall Inquiry has been examining how the former ...
A public inquiry into the crimes of Lucy Letby will not be halted, its chairwoman, Lady Justice Thirlwall, has ruled. Since September the Thirlwall Inquiry has been examining how the former neonatal ...
Inquiry chair Lady Justice Thirlwall said she had received the request last month from counsel for the management team at the time that killer nurse Letby attacked babies in 2015 and 2016.