UNISON’s higher education (HE) conference convened in Swansea at the end of January, with debates highlighting the need for ...
Our new e-learning module, Working Together for Equality, introduces the ways UNISON campaigns and agitates for equality in the workplace, in wider society and within the union itself. Discover some ...
Violent language and behaviour is a growing concern for school staff, with school support staff increasingly citing violence as one of their top workplace concerns. Violence at work includes any ...
If your partner is expecting a child (or your partner is adopting a child) then you may be eligible for paternity leave and pay. There are two types of paternity leave: Ordinary Statutory Paternity ...
WARMS is currently working and there are no known issues. There was an outage of WARMS at 12 O’clock 3rd February for a few minutes. WARMS is back-up and working along with email and letter functions.
Mitchell Coe, UNISON’s national LGBT+ officer, has some suggestions for how branches can mark this month UNISON, like its predecessor unions, has been at the forefront of LGBT+ inclusion for decades.