A healthy planet is Utrecht University’s theme for 2025. Cathryn Tonne (Barcelona Institute for Global Health) and Harini Nagendra (Azim Premji University, India) will receive this year’s honorary ...
Their restoration is difficult because ecosystem health depends on self-facilitation generated by ‘emergent traits’. Such traits appear when habitat-formers group, resulting in self-facilitation that ...
Lauren Gould recently received an FWO grant for research into algorithmic warfare and the role of AI in military conflicts. She explains the current state of affairs.
PhD Defense: Assessment of imaging markers for intracranial aneurysms using artificial intelligence ...
PhD Defense of W.P.J. Cox (UMC Utrecht/Kinderen) ...
Holmium-166 radioembolization in HCC: advances in personalized treatment ...
WICS and the ICS Diversity Committee are working to make the Department of Information and Computing Sciences a more inclusive and welcoming place for everyone.
Imaging, which is the process of creating visual representations of information, plays an important role in many fields of science, including biology, biomedical sciences, geosciences, and medicine.
Do you want to know how you can predict the effectiveness of different medical treatments? How can you use social media data to detect the emergence of extremist behaviour? How can you predict ...
Ere-doctoraten voor Cathryn Tonne en Harini Nagendra voor hun bijdragen aan een gezonde planeet ...
NWO Open Technologie beurs toegereikt aan Utrechts onderzoek naar ecosysteemherstel ...
Lauren Gould kreeg onlangs een FWO-beurs voor onderzoek naar algoritmische oorlogsvoering en de rol van AI in militaire conflicten. Ze licht de stand van zaken toe.