fulfilling the promise made to Abraham of an innumerable offspring." In Bible: The Founding Narratives, Frédéric Boyer writes: "In this laughter, there is everything that was no longer expected ...
Through sacrifice and unwavering faith, Abraham’s covenant with God prefigures the greater fulfillment in Christ, as depicted in sacred art through the ages.
The first time we encounter new technology in the Bible, it has a dark side.
Brethren, we are welcome to the month of the Trinity. Why?   It’s because the Trinity is the anchor of Christianity.   We ...
In this America, compassion is contemptible. Globe columnist Yvonne Abraham can be reached at [email protected].
By DAVID CARLSON PASTOR Two older women were in line for movie tickets and requested the senior citizen discount. When they started to look in their purses for ...
The Bible doesn’t give us much detail as to why ... symbolizing God's unbreakable commitment to His promises. Abraham's belief in this covenant, despite his old age and Sarah's barrenness, was ...
This man wasn’t doubting the truth of the creeds or the inspiration of the Bible. He wasn’t wanting ... must have been to believe in the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob in the time when ...
In his final years, Abraham Lincoln grew convinced that God’s will played ... the need for a unifying story to guide both individual lives and society’s trajectory. Even in a secular age, we seek ...
The Abraham trade route is not a fantasy – it is a necessity. And the time to make it a reality is now. AN IRANIAN military ship takes part in a drill in the coastal area of the Gulf of Oman ...