Mukdenia forms a mound of thickly textured, glossy foliage with red streaking that gets 1 foot tall and 1-2 feet wide at ...
A: Hot Wings and Amur maples turn nice orange-red in the fall. Not brilliant red like Autumn Blaze, which doesn’t really work out in the country here but will work in the city. Red rocket is a more ...
Q: How do I overwinter an outdoor water garden in a trough? It has with two water lilies, King Tut grass, goldfish and an ...
If you’re looking for a plant for your garden that will come back year after year, is easy to care for and suitable for a ...
Planting beautiful flowers and shrubs alongside forsythia can enhance your garden's appeal, and these 25 plants will help you create a harmonious landscape.
I recently went looking for one of the rarest of Texas’s rare plants in what seemed like an odd place: near the middle of ...
The best companion plants for roses not only complement their beauty but also help deter pests, boost soil health and ...
A beautiful way to add more color to your yard is by planting flowering shrubs. These 30 options provide stunning foliage and ...
There’s something magical hiding in Fayetteville that has Arkansans putting down their fishing poles and hitting the road for ...
As spring rolls in, you may want to start planning the kinds of trees you'll want to plant in your yard. There are 11 ...
Of all our native maples, red has the smallest samara (less than an inch long), and silver has the largest (two inches long).
Trees are master multitaskers. No duty is too daunting or tedious for these sky-scratching organisms. From soil stabilizers ...