Mapping prepared by a Victorian climate action group shows just how far the impacts of a nuclear disaster could spread, if ...
With each site, the organisation prepared a north, south, west and east orientation of the same fallout map ... show that radiation can spread far and wide,” he said. The Caesium-137 footprint ...
SEE THE MAP The mapping was prepared ... “We are taking some pretty basic points to show that radiation can spread far and wide,” he said. The Caesium-137 footprint left over from the 2011 ...
But there is one problem: space flashes with dangerous radiation, like ultraviolet (UV) light and gamma rays, which can harm living things, including plants. This radiation can damage plants ...
Panaji: Imagine astronauts living on the Moon or Mars in the future. They will need food to survive, and one of the most important foods will be from plants. But there is one problem: space flashes ...
Astoundingly, this microbe seems to "feed" on radiation in a manner akin to how plants absorb sunlight for photosynthesis. The catastrophic explosion of the No. 4 reactor at the Chernobyl Nuclear ...
Radioactive isotopes commonly found in nuclear waste. Cesium-137 is a significant fission byproduct, while cobalt-60 is often used in medical and industrial applications due to its high radiation ...
Cesium-137 is one of the most common fission products in nuclear waste, and cobalt-60 (also a byproduct of fission) is used in radiation therapies. When testing with the cesium isotope ...